Spring is coming – can you feel it?

Spring is coming – can you feel it? Although there is still snow on the ground and the prospect of more to come, the snowdrops are already up and in flower, the mornings are noticeably lighter, and the sluggish energy following New Year starts to gear up for the months ahead.The beginning of February marks the old festival of Imbolc – one of the four cross-quarter days of the eight-fold Celtic year. The cross-quarter days happen roughly mid-way between the solstices and equinoxes. Unlike those, the cross-quarters are not set astronomical events, so their timing is a slightly fluid affair. … Continue reading Spring is coming – can you feel it?

Autumn events

Apologies if you have been trying to access the site over the last few days, we’ve been offline due to some WordPress update that went awry. Many thanks to our hosts at Seven Internet for getting us back up and running. I have just updated the events page with details of my forthcoming talks and events this autumn. As usual I am dashing around the country a lot, with the British Society of Dowsers’ Conference on 20-22 September in Cirencester, followed by a trip to Cornwall to give a talk to Trencrom Dowsers on 1 October. Then back to Glasgow … Continue reading Autumn events

Dowsing Labyrinths at Comrie

Saturday May 4th 2013 was World Labyrinth Day, followed by International Dowsing Day on May 5, so I had decided to combine two of my favourite activities into a ‘Dowsing and Labyrinths’ day, which was held at Comrie in Perthshire. Although the weather wasn’t as sunny as anticipated, we had 16 people attending, a much better turnout than I had anticipated. I bravely decided to expose my legs for the first time this year in a pair of shorts. After an indoor session learning the basics of dowsing using pendulums, we adjourned outside to practise with L-rods and soon located … Continue reading Dowsing Labyrinths at Comrie

Imbolc blessings – course and events news

Imbolc greetings everyone. This year has felt like it has really struggled to get going, but with Imbolc we can start to feel the seeds of our inspirations, sown last Samhain, begin to stir and show above the ground as the land awakens and starts to come back to life. And so it is with my dowsing courses for this year… As usual, I am running my normal Foundation Courses in dowsing for beginners, and this year by popular demand I am running two in April in different parts of the country and both new venues for me. The first … Continue reading Imbolc blessings – course and events news

Springing Forward

Gosh, it’s been a while since I updated this blog, and here we are racing towards the equinox. Although I haven’t found time to update the blog regularly, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy! It’s been an interesting start to the year, and I’ve been busy implementing new projects and preparing material for my forthcoming dowsing courses. I can now confirm that I will be presenting at both the Canadian Society of Questers’ Conference in Harrison Hot Springs, BC; and the Canadian Society of Dowsers’ Conference in Hamilton, ON, Canada during the month of May. At both events I … Continue reading Springing Forward

Solstice Blessings

Whatever your faith, religious, spiritual or cultural beliefs; the turning of the wheel at the dark of the year will carry some significance for you. This year has been particularly turbulent for many people around the globe, and it’s always good to reflect on those less fortunate than ourselves at this time of year. War, natural disasters, famine and other upheavals continue to remind us what a fragile jewel our planet Earth is. It is easy to get depressed about the state of things, but it is harder to acknowledge that the best approach is for us to keep on … Continue reading Solstice Blessings

Archaeoastronomy, Avebury and Crop Circles

I’ve just returned from a weekend teaching course in Avebury, where I was tutoring 16 students through the BSD’s Earth Energies Level 4 course ‘Understanding Earth Energy Power Centres and Features of Special Geomantic Significance’ . It’s probably the most academic and ‘left-brain’ of all the Earth Energy courses as it covers topics including sacred geometry and celestial mechanics – not the easiest material to teach even when you are interested in the subject. However, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we had a good time exploring the Avebury complex of sites, visiting West Kennet long barrow, Swallowhead Spring and … Continue reading Archaeoastronomy, Avebury and Crop Circles