Spring is coming – can you feel it?

Spring is coming – can you feel it? Although there is still snow on the ground and the prospect of more to come, the snowdrops are already up and in flower, the mornings are noticeably lighter, and the sluggish energy following New Year starts to gear up for the months ahead.The beginning of February marks the old festival of Imbolc – one of the four cross-quarter days of the eight-fold Celtic year. The cross-quarter days happen roughly mid-way between the solstices and equinoxes. Unlike those, the cross-quarters are not set astronomical events, so their timing is a slightly fluid affair. … Continue reading Spring is coming – can you feel it?

Hallowe’en Musings

Planting the seeds… The clocks in Britain have been turned back an hour, which in our modern life has become the marker for the end of summer and the onset of the dark winter nights. But it also marks the approach of Hallowe’en, the fire festival of Samhain to the Celtic peoples. Although these days people are more interested in dressing up the kids and creating a general air of spookiness and fun, we tend to forget the more serious side of Samhain. In the yearly cycle of the sun, Samhain is one of the cross-quarter days, those times that … Continue reading Hallowe’en Musings

Cochno – revealed?

Much in the news this week has been the suggestion, reported in The Scotsman, that one of Glasgow’s hidden archaeological treasures might be revealed for the first time in 50 years. The Cochno Stone is widely regarded as the finest example of Neolithic rock art in Europe. With its numerous cup-and-ring markings, spirals, footprints and other symbols, it was believed by maverick archaeologist Ludovic McLellan Mann to represent nothing less than a star map created by the Neolithic peoples inhabiting the area. He felt strongly that it was connected with the nearby ‘mortuary site’ at Knapper’s Farm (now lost under … Continue reading Cochno – revealed?

The Devil’s Plantation – the movie!

Following the success of her interactive BAFTA award-winning web project on The Devil’s Plantation, and the subsequent IOS app, film-maker May Miles Thomas created a 93-minute film of the project earlier this year, cutting together her 60+ short clips of evocative black and white imagery and 800+ music and sound segments into a coherent whole, skilfully woven together with paired narratives from Kate Dickie and Gary Lewis telling the story of Mary Ross’s wanderings and Harry Bells’ research into the Glasgow Network of Aligned Sites. “In the 1980s archaeologist Harry Bell came to believe that Glasgow – a city built … Continue reading The Devil’s Plantation – the movie!

Autumn events

Apologies if you have been trying to access the site over the last few days, we’ve been offline due to some WordPress update that went awry. Many thanks to our hosts at Seven Internet for getting us back up and running. I have just updated the events page with details of my forthcoming talks and events this autumn. As usual I am dashing around the country a lot, with the British Society of Dowsers’ Conference on 20-22 September in Cirencester, followed by a trip to Cornwall to give a talk to Trencrom Dowsers on 1 October. Then back to Glasgow … Continue reading Autumn events

Saving Sighthill Stones

The Sighthill Stone Circle is a modern astronomically-aligned stone ring that was designed and built in 1979 under the direction of local astronomer and SF writer Duncan Lunan. It is situated in the centre of Glasgow right next to the M8 motorway, and is almost certainly the first astronomically-aligned circle built in Scotland for over 3000 years (I have blogged about it before here and here). When I first dowsed the circle many years ago, it looked pretty neglected and I was unable to dowse any earth energies of interest within it. All ancient stone rings (as well as many … Continue reading Saving Sighthill Stones

Imbolc blessings – course and events news

Imbolc greetings everyone. This year has felt like it has really struggled to get going, but with Imbolc we can start to feel the seeds of our inspirations, sown last Samhain, begin to stir and show above the ground as the land awakens and starts to come back to life. And so it is with my dowsing courses for this year… As usual, I am running my normal Foundation Courses in dowsing for beginners, and this year by popular demand I am running two in April in different parts of the country and both new venues for me. The first … Continue reading Imbolc blessings – course and events news

European Podcast Awards 2012

Once again, my podcast ‘Adventures in Dowsing’ that I produce for The British Society of Dowsers, has been nominated in the European Podcast Awards. In the 2011 awards, the show placed 8th in the UK non-profit category. It would be fantastic to do even better this year! If you enjoy listening to the show, please take a moment to show your appreciation by clicking on the picture below and voting for it. Thanks! Continue reading European Podcast Awards 2012

Grahame Gardner & Susan Collins live webcast

To promote the forthcoming conference of the Canadian Society of Dowsers in Hamilton, Ontario on 25-27 May, Susan Collins and I shall be appearing live on ‘Liquid Lunch’ with Hugh Reilly on Friday 18 May at 5pm UK time (12 noon EST). Don’t miss this chance to see the current President of the British Society of Dowsers and Past President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers chatting live on web TV! If you missed us live, you can watch it here: Liquid Lunch 18 May 2012 Continue reading Grahame Gardner & Susan Collins live webcast