The term ‘geopathic stress’ is used to describe changes in the natural geomagnetic field of the earth caused by geological fault lines, mineral deposits, underground water flows, quarries, mine workings or other features that have a detrimental effect on human bodily systems. More subtle earth energy meridians – energy leys, geomagnetic grids and so on – also play their part, and nowadays we tend to include psychic disturbances under this same category.
Geopathic stress is not new. It’s been known about at least since the 1920s when German scientist-dowsers started documenting ‘Krebshausen’ – houses with an unusually high incidence of cancer cases that they discovered were situated over geological fault lines.
Technopathic stress is a more recent phenomenon, caused by our modern love affair with gadgets and wireless technology; but since many of the symptoms are similar to those of geopathic stress, it also has to be considered as part of the overall picture.
Effects of geopathic stress
Spending long periods of time in such geopathic disturbance zones – for example, having your bed situated over one – gradually depletes the immune system and make it more difficult for the body to recover from ailments and disease. As we spend the majority of our domestic lives in bed, the bedroom is usually the first place to check for geopathic stress. Poor sleep patterns and feelings of exhaustion are common first indicators, and the effects are insidious and relentless if left untreated. Of course, office spaces, schools and colleges where the individual is spending most of the day in the same place, such as sitting at the same desk, can also be affected, and studies have been done in schools showing that pupils sitting at desks situated over geopathic stress lines have poorer learning scores than others.
A good holistic practitioner such as a vibrational homoeopath or a health kinesiologist should be able to tell you if you are suffering from geopathic stress. It is in their interest to do so as the geopathic stress will interfere with the body’s natural healing processes and reduce the effectiveness of their treatments.
It is not just humans who are affected – many dairy farmers and horse breeders will be familiar with the empty stall in their barn or stable where animals housed there for long periods of time become ill. In the 1970s the Swiss dowser Dr Joseph Kopp noted the presence of underground water veins in every stall of over 130 barns studied where the animals had developed illnesses such as rheumatism, miscarriages, uterine deterioration, mastitis and reduced milk yield in the case of dairy cows. When the animals are moved out of the affected stalls, they eventually recover; healthy animals placed into the stalls quickly become sick.
Similarly, some plants are also affected by geopathic zones, displaying poor leaf growth and low fruit yields. It is often possible to trace a stress line visually across a property by looking for gaps in hedges, poor plant growth, dead and distorted trees and so on.
What can we do about it?
The most obvious solution is to move the bed or office desk away from the underground stress line; but a good dowser can also provide remedial work using a variety of methods. The traditional fix for geopathic stress that most dowsers (myself included) adopt is to apply techniques of earth acupuncture – using metal rods, wands, standing stones or other devices – at nodal points to rebalance the energetic matrix surrounding the property.
More high-tech proprietary devices for reducing or neutralising geopathic stress can also be purchased for installation inside the home or office, and in certain circumstances – for example an urban apartment – these may be more appropriate.
In either case, it is advisable that a dowser or geomancer provides an overall assessment of the space throughout the whole treatment process. Most places can be cleared in a single visit, or at most a short succession of visits spaced over a period of weeks. A further check with your holistic practitioner is also recommended to ensure that the work has been successful.
Is Western geomancy like Feng-Shui?
The aims and many of the underlying concepts are similar, but the methods differ. Feng-Shui is the system of geomancy that developed in China, just as Vaastu Shastra is the Indian system. Every culture has its own geomantic traditions. Feng-Shui has a pedigree extending back many thousands of years and is deeply rooted in Eastern culture. Because of this, many of the concepts do not translate well to the Western mindset; the landscapes, the society, the cultural references and so forth are all very different to ours. Western geomancy works within a European cultural framework and westerners generally find it easier to engage with.
I need more information!
There is plenty of information about geopathic stress on the internet that a simple search will turn up.
For a gentle overview, I recommend my colleague Dr. Patrick MacManaway’s article ‘A Wee Introduction to Geopathic Stress’. For a more in-depth research paper, try Richard Creightmore’s article over at The Geomancy Group.
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