Beyond Hope in Rambo Country

At the Canadian Society of Questers’ Conference in Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia at the beginning of May, Conference organiser Merlin Beltain told a tale over breakfast one day about a strong energy vortex that, as far as I could gather, was somewhere in the vicinity (bear in mind that my geographic knowledge of BC was rudimentary at best at this point). It seemed to be centred on a river valley where some old disused railway tunnels were carved through the mountain and, said Merlin, the tunnels contained a ‘time portal’. Needless to say, this was a fascinating topic of … Continue reading Beyond Hope in Rambo Country

Springing Forward

Gosh, it’s been a while since I updated this blog, and here we are racing towards the equinox. Although I haven’t found time to update the blog regularly, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy! It’s been an interesting start to the year, and I’ve been busy implementing new projects and preparing material for my forthcoming dowsing courses. I can now confirm that I will be presenting at both the Canadian Society of Questers’ Conference in Harrison Hot Springs, BC; and the Canadian Society of Dowsers’ Conference in Hamilton, ON, Canada during the month of May. At both events I … Continue reading Springing Forward