Labyrinth in Vermont

Here’s a picture from my day workshop in labyrinths held at the American Society of Dowsers, convention in Lyndonville, where I am a guest speaker and workshop leader. This shows 3 people walking ‘Gardner’s Double Appleton’ in the labyrinth. The lady in the centre is guiding the two men, who are walking into the labyrinth with their eyes closed. She is actually walking out of the labyrinth. This is a wonderful way to enhance the other senses and really ‘feel’ the energies of the labyrinth as you walk. Continue reading Labyrinth in Vermont

Dowsing Labyrinths at Comrie

Saturday May 4th 2013 was World Labyrinth Day, followed by International Dowsing Day on May 5, so I had decided to combine two of my favourite activities into a ‘Dowsing and Labyrinths’ day, which was held at Comrie in Perthshire. Although the weather wasn’t as sunny as anticipated, we had 16 people attending, a much better turnout than I had anticipated. I bravely decided to expose my legs for the first time this year in a pair of shorts. After an indoor session learning the basics of dowsing using pendulums, we adjourned outside to practise with L-rods and soon located … Continue reading Dowsing Labyrinths at Comrie