I recently appeared as guest on the US internet radio show ‘The Farkas Files‘ from Empower Radio. I’d met the host David Franklin Farkas at the American Society of Dowers’ convention back in June, and finally we managed to find some time in both our schedules to make this interview happen. It went out live at 9pm EST (2am UK time), but it’s available to listen again by clicking below or can download it from the website.
Dowsing & Geomancy? What are they? …
If you don’t know what Dowsing is, you should! And this week’s guest is an international leader in the field. I’ve known about him for years and we met this year at a convention. He lives in Scotland.
Grahame has been interested in all things esoteric for as long as he can remember, particularly earth mysteries; and has studied and practiced widely across the whole spectrum of Western esoteric tradition, from shamanism to Kabala.
He taught himself to dowse as a teenager when, after reading Tom Grave’s book ‘Needles of Stone’, he made his first pair of L-rods from some coat hangers and proved to his own satisfaction that he could find underground water, cables and other utilities.
Thirty years later, Grahame is now a Professional Member, Registered Tutor and has been President of The British Society of Dowsers since 2008.
He hosts their podcast “Adventures in Dowsing,” and his book, ‘Dowsing Magic’ is published by Penwith Press. He lives in Glasgow, Scotland, but travels extensively.
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