A Basic Guide to Technopathic Stress

Book Review by Roy Riggs ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Many leading scientists today believe that the increasing amount of computers and other electronic devices within our homes could be making us ill. Research has now linked these higher levels of electromagnetic radiation and consequential dirty electricity to increases in autism, cancer, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. In his fascinating and well-researched book Grahame Gardner explains and guides readers through a tour of their domestic dwellings, exposing many hidden dangers you wouldn’t expect. Grahame’s complete command of the subject allows him to express in straightforward and accessible language how many of … Continue reading A Basic Guide to Technopathic Stress

Electrosensitivity: Is your mobile really a threat to your health?

There was a very good article in Metro today about electrosensitivity – it’s well worth a read. Insomnia is one of the biggest effects of ES and Weeks says this lack of sleep affects our immune systems and our ability to repair and fight infections. ‘A study by scientists in America categorically showed that having your mobile phone by your bed at night affects your ability to go into a deep sleep,’ he says. ‘This is sufficient evidence to show that mobile phones don’t allow us to go into a deep REM [Rapid Eye Movement] sleep, thus preventing us from … Continue reading Electrosensitivity: Is your mobile really a threat to your health?

France aims to remove wireless tech

According to the February issue of Electrosensitivity UK, two provinces in France are planning on replacing their entire wireless technology infrastructure with fibre-optics by July 2010: To remove the health dangers of WiFi, Wimax, digital TV and digital Radio, the départments of the Drôme and the Ardèche in France are aiming by July 2010 to replace wireless with fibre-optic cables, at a cost of 123 M€ (184 M$). This will cover 100% of the population of 0.95 million, connecting 372,000 homes via the ordinary phone line through 213 switchboards. It will provide ultra high speed broadband connection (100 Mbps) without … Continue reading France aims to remove wireless tech